
05 August 2014

Meditations: 5:16

Bed time story from Marcus Aurelius;
"Whatever kind of impressions you receive most often, so to will be your mind; for the soul is dyed with the colour of one's impressions. Therefore, colour your soul with continuous thoughts like these:  Wherever there is life, there too, the good life is possible"  Meditations 5:16

My main take aways here;
First, and it is certainly true, that our outlook on life, our views positive or negative greatly affect us. Our quality of life is directly linked to our worldview. If you believe everyone is out to get you, or everyone is stupid, trust no one and so forth...that is your world, true or not. Your perception is your reality. If you fill your mind with crap that is all you will get out of it. Garbage in, Garbage out.

The second thing that grabbed me was the outstanding example he gave us.   
Wherever there is life, there too, the good life is possible.

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